Social Advertising in Sanoma Independent Media Publications
Sanoma Independent Media (SIM) continues its support for the Socially Active Media program by placing free ads for selected nonprofit organizations in all of its publications.
An expert council chose the winners in the latest Socially Active Media competition. They are: Sofia, a charitable foundation promoting respect and care for the aged among a range of people; Co-Operation, a nonprofit project promoting the activities of a 24-hour hotline offering psychological assistance for cancer patients and their families; Focus Media, a foundation for strengthening the capacities of female activists with HIV and their professional skills for implementing social initiatives.
SIM has provided support for the Socially Active Media program since late 2009, providing comprehensive media assistance to more than 15 nonprofit organizations and informing its publications’ readers of the useful and effective work they accomplish.
CAF Russia is responsible for the Socially Active Media program. It is the first such program in Russia to highlight the best social initiatives through an annual competition and to provide those organizations with systematic media support.