Popular Mechanics in January
Engineers now design more new manned spacecraft than ever before, with private companies leading the way. That means space exploration will become much less expensive. If at least some of these projects come to fruition, a new era of manned spaceflight will dawn. Read more in the January issue of Popular Mechanics magazine.
In the Science section, the article “Memory in Black Holes" explains how it will become possible in the near future for super-civilizations to store accumulated knowledge in the black holes of the universe.
The Arctic climate is changing and we will inevitably face some of the consequences of that in the near future. In Technology, the article “Arctic: hot polar night" follows a PM photo journalist’s trip to the North Pole.
In the Weapons section, PM editors test drive the PzKpfw V tank, better known as the Panther, as well as an article about four-legged minesweepers “Sniffed: all clear."
In this issue:
The 2013 Nobel Prize;
The iron record of BelAZ;
Plastic harvest;
Burn, burn! Clear?;
How to escort dirigibles;
Olympics for brainiacs;
The swarm principle;
Concentrated force;
Ice and stone;
Charlie’s avant-guarde nostalgia — Ann Kobdak.
The issue went on sale December 17.