Popular Mechanics Restored Balance between the Scientific and the Popular

For the second year, Popular Mechanics magazine supported the scientific-musical SyFy Poehali Party that is held in Moscow each spring. The unique event format includes both educational and musical programs. According to tradition, the educational part consists of lectures and excursions, with the musical element including performances by teams working in the experimental and semi-scientific music genre.

The SyFy festival was held at the Polytechnic Museum on April 29 this year. Nearly 2,000 people attended the educational part of the event, participating in several excursions through the Polytechnic Museum and listening to lectures about extraterrestrial civilizations, historical experiences with chemistry, paranormal phenomena and nanotechnology. The Popular Mechanics lecture on elementary particles and the Large Hadron Collider was presented by Lidia Smirnova, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Nuclear Physics Institute of Moscow State University and the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.

The festival continued with scientific and popular raves featuring performances by such musicians as the Tunguska Electronic Music Society and the Moscow-based indie rock crew “My Rockets Up.” As usual, admission to the SyFy Poehali Party was free.

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