Independent Media is a leading content media holding in Russia. The core of its business is the production of high-quality, original content for all types of media. One of the Top 10 content holdings in the country, the company has the largest glossy magazine portfolio and a total digital audience more than 70 million users per month.
Independent Media has nine media life-style brands: The VOICE, Novy Ochag, The Rules of Life, TechInsider, Men Today, The Symbol, The VOICE Shopping, Grazia and RR. The publications target a wide variety of groups and cover almost every topic a modern reader finds interesting.
Each IM brand is a multimedia ecosystem, including print publications, websites, social networks, and video platforms, allowing it not only to create unique content and useful services for its audience, but also to offer the best business solutions for partners and advertisers.
The holding has garnered more than 250 awards honoring the achievements of its brands and employees.
In 2022, Independent Media celebrated the 30th anniversary of its activities in Russia.
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