Cosmopolitan Beauty Releases Winter Issue

The winter issue of Cosmopolitan Beauty has everything you need for the holiday of your dreams: makeup, beauty procedures, cocktails, and beauty gifts. The magazine also learns everything about express procedures for getting the “Snow Maiden effect” and the secrets of shopping on a budget. Actress Natalia Bardo appears on the cover.

Also in this issue:
After-Party Guide: How to conduct yourself the morning after the holiday;
Playing Doubles: Working out with singer Anna Sedokova and her daughter;
Laying it on Thick: Insiders paint the real picture of the work of a makeup artist;
Intelligent Design: Brilliant next-generation cosmetics;
A quiz to help you choose the perfect scrub for your skin;
Winter, Cold: Revitalization in three months;
Something’s Not Right with Your Hair: looking for the real cause of “bad hair days”;
Sayonara, Sweetie! How to overcome your sugar dependency;
Step-By-Step Instructions: Applying makeup at home “just like at a beauty salon.”

The issue when on sale November 28.

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